Saturday, March 20, 2010


I think cats are beautiful animals. They move in such a way and have such fluid graceful bodies. However, I would not live with one.

I don't think it's fair for your neighbours to have your cats loose to roam the neighbourhood screeching at all hours (for mating I assume) and defacing your property by peeing, spraying and pooping all over your yard. And the one I had most is when they sit on my car - or when they've slid down my windshield and leave muddy smears full of grit on my glass.

I also don't think it's fair that as a dog owner I'm required to pay the city up to $100 for an annual dog licence, when we rarely have a loose dog walking around but there are as many as 12 loose cats on my street that I have to brake for when I drive down the road, I have to pick up their poop from my driveway and there's often a puddle of something on one of my garbage cans,  etc. Why don't we have cat licences? 

And most cats don't even seem happy to live indoors. When I walk my dog early in the morning, I see house after house with a cat looking out the living room window while the rest of the house sleeps. They just sit like little statues staring out the windows. They look like they want to run free and are not happy being indoors. If you have a large property with acreage or a farm, I think a cat would be wonderful for your property, but they really don't seem happy to be indoors all their lives.

I'm curious, how wrong is my opinion about living with cats?

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